

freshwater pearls loose luster when exposed to water.

while wearing, avoid from doing so in humid or wet environments to maintain shine. this include the beach, swimming, hot tubs, etc. water and sweat, as well as heavy moisturizers and perfumes, will dull brass and other metals with time, allowing it to accumulate patina which is difficult to remove. to keep your pieces looking their best, remove when showering, swimming or sleeping.

given that many eden’s pieces are made with vintage or natural materials, please wear pieces gently and store them in safe places while not wearing.


when pieces are removed, store them in a dry place. the bathroom sink may look like the perfect spot, but for best maintenance, place the pieces in their soft storage bag, a jewelry box, or even in tissue. they will last their longest and brightest this way! gold-filled and sterling silver will remain brighter looking for longer periods of time, but with excessive exposure can dull. storing them in the bag or tissue as opposed to hanging them up will also prevent unnecessary stretching.


being consistent with stoRAGE AND IDEAL WEAR IS NOT AN EASY TASK, BUT THERE ARE WAYS TO CLEAN YOUR metals AT HOME. all brass and sterling silver pieces come with a small polishing cloth that you can use as often as you want. do not wet the cloth. HERE is an article that includes methods that won’t break the bank as well if you misplace your polishing cloth. please note, this is for solid metals only.

as for gold or silver filled or plated pieces, refrain from using abrasives as they can wear away the gold or silver over time. instead, wipe clean with a soft cloth (like ones for eyeglasses) after use.


drawing by kayleigh stovicek